two massive explosions ripped through occupied buildings in Uppsala and
Stockholm, the former in a night club and the latter in a fully
occupied apartment block. These explosions miraculously did not kill
anyone, but they did blow out all the glass in the area and give all the
inhabitants an understandable shock. Explosions are currently a popular
tactic with criminal gangs, last year in Sweden there were
over 100 explosions in inhabited areas. These
explosions are so common that the Swedish police were forced in November
last year to begin "
Operation Rimfrost" which focuses specifically on
criminal gangs blowing shit up.
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I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that there are criminal gangs up to no good in England, but I am pretty sure if they blew up occupied buildings on a regular basis for several years there would be 1) a national emergency 2) a media shitstorm 3) protests 4) the intelligence service raining down hell. Or, at the VERY LEAST 5) people talking about it and being concerned. Are any of these things happening in Sweden? No. "Big fat explosion in central Stockholm and another one in Uppsala" is not front page news today, despite happening just yesterday. Nobody at work was talking about it. Among friends and family, the most reaction I've had is a raised eyebrow and a concerned tut.
Why there isn't national outrage over gangs using explosions on citizens as a casual form of revenge? The nation is sticking its head in the ground and pretending nothing is happening! How has Sweden become a place where explosions are so everyday that society hardly bats an eyelid? I mean really, what the actual fuck? I hate to use the phrase "wake up sheeple" but....wake up sheeple! Just because this shit is being downplayed in the media, doesn't make it no deal. It's a deal. It's a very big deal! "Operation Rimfrost" was only brought into action after nearly a hundred incidents, and even now, if you read what it says on the police website, they are promising that their efforts "are going to have effects". Not that their efforts are already doing something, no, they are PLANNING on doing something, soon. The last time I called the police was in December about a break-in. It took them 8 minutes to connect me to a switchboard and more than an hour to dispatch a car, which arrived way after the intruder had left and driven by two officers who had not been given the description of said intruder. I teach CHILDREN more effective than that! Are there monkeys working in the police station?
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