Monday 1 June 2015

Day 644: Kina Review

I've decided that what makes a successful blog is regular updates. "Right, that's it, every Monday I'm going to update" I decided. I sat here for an hour and a half and did sweet FA. (That's Fuck All or NOTHING for anyone who's never done FA, you smarmy bastards).

I racked my brains for a goodly while trying to come up with cah-razy Swedish shit that happened this week and decided that while endless chat about jogging, endless people asking me which race I will be jogging in this season, endless others talking about the races they are jogging in and endless adverts for jogging events including the Stockholm Marathon do qualify as Swedish shit, they are exactly that, shit. I'm not further endorsing the jogging obsession already prevalent here, which manifests mainly in people wearing jogging pants at all times to BE PREPARED for unexpected jogging, by talking about jogging.

Instead, I will tell you about the chocolate I shoved in my gullet out of boredom and desperation when failing to come up with a half-decent blog post.

If you've had enough blog and want to leave now, here is a summary of the product called "KINA" (pronounced SHINA and meaning China): I don't know why anyone would a) be inspired to make b) make c) market d) purchase or e) eat this snack.

They're within reaching distance of my blog-writing because they were a thank-you gift to my boyfriend for some help he gave to someone. After eating them I'm starting to wonder if my boyfriend actually fucked some shit up real bad and this is somebody's way of telling him to just not help in the future. The little wheat puffs taste like burnt rice covered in the chocolate found in a year old 99p advent calendar. They're so small it takes your body a few seconds to actually notice you've fed it something, but if you eat a whole bunch at once you get a flavour sensation a bit like being punched in the face by the Sugar Puffs Monster. Some genius, probably in the good old 1930's when it looks like the packaging was designed, thought that there is a clear connection between CHINA and THOSE POINTY HATS THAT EVERYONE IN CHINA WEARS. At some point in the 1990's another designer realised the mistake and added some EXPLODING CHOCOLATE BALLS because the packaging wasn't dynamic enough.

Actually my history is totally wrong. Kina was started in the 1960's and used to have this lovely, absolutely not-racist-at-all face on the packaging until the PC brigade caught up with it in 2011 and had it banned:

The hat's okay though, because everyone wears them so that's a fact, not a stereotype. Right? If you've got any ideas as to why these fuckers are even called KINA, send your thoughts on a postcard.

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