Monday 12 October 2015

Day 794: Amirite?

Imagine you're at school and you are waiting for the teacher to give you a test back so you can see your score. The teacher hands you your test and most of your answers are marked with THIS:

You think "I done fucked up big time!" (It was probably a grammar test if you think in that voice). To your horror only one or two of these feature on your test:

"The world is so unfair!" you whine "I really, actually, truly studied for and/or cheated on this test! There's no way I could have failed!"

You actually did really well. In Sweden, ticks mean WRONG! and crosses mean RIGHT! as I discovered when handing back tests to my students, and as I explained to my team mate at a pub quiz last week when some Swedes marked his answers. If you don't believe me (because this is the only country in the DAMN WORLD THAT GETS TICKS AND FUCKING CROSSES MIXED UP!) then you can see for yourself on this teacher's blog.

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