Monday 9 November 2015

Day 824: You will be assimilated, resistance is futile.

On taking a trip to England to see friends and family I realise I've gone beyond just looking the wrong way on the road and getting in the wrong side of the car. Now I've started to do subtly Swedish things while back in the home land...

1. Forgetting my Oyster card when leaving the tube station and expecting the barrier to open for me like it does in Stockholm. Standing there like a lemon.

2. Wincing when sitting in the passenger seat and watching the car make a turn.

3. Closing the entire lid of the toilet seat when flushing and wondering why it's not closed in public places.

4. Having to use a skanky scourer that's been sat in the sink for a week or two, instead of one of these:

5. Going to get a drink from the bathroom tap but remembering that's not a thing in England and having to go all the way to the kitchen.

6. Apologising to my friends for being late and texting them afterwards to say thanks for having me.

7.  Taking up two seats on the train.

My lord what a knob jockey this man is.

8. Getting knocked down by the STENCH of too much laundry detergent on everybody's clothes

9. Using Swedish words for things around the house when I need them urgently.

10. Wishing there were toilet brushes in public bathrooms.

Do NOT go in there.

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