Monday 17 February 2014

Day 185: Rear window

Did you know that over 60% of Swedes don't have curtains? This is a statistic I made up while looking at this photo I took from my back window, an activity which may have made my neighbours think I am a weirdo.

I have seen Swedes have parties, fight, kiss, cook and run around the apartment looking for keys just before leaving the house. Although not all of these things happened in the same window at the same time. I have also seen a man inexplicably doing penguin impressions, I can only guess that there was a baby or toddler out of sight under the window frame acting as an audience.

I myself do not close the curtains in the back of the house. Consequently there is a small observable portion of the house which I have to traverse with my bum out when leaving the bathroom. This has led to some interesting hallway crossing techniques such as the dash, the sprint, the stoop and the strategic towel hide. I can only imagine that other Swedes engage in similar techniques. Or buy a bathrobe.

Sales of curtains remain high however, as Swedes like to have curtains for display purposes which hang impotently on either side of the window. I also have some of these. They are 50cm wide on either side. The window is almost 3 metres across. The curtains, they do nothing!

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