Thursday, 28 August 2014

Day 383: Holy Duvet

For anyone whose bedclothes come from Ikea this will be old news but: bed sheets in Sweden have holes in the top for you to stick your hands through and pull the duvet in. I didn't really earmark this as a bloggable topic until my mum was visiting and she turned her duvet cover inside out so she could do the old "flip cover and duvet together the right way round" trick. Then I showed her the holes in the top and she was AMAZED. The earth moved and she had a holy revelation. Kinda.

Note for American readers: a duvet is pronounced Doooovay. It's a quilt filled with feathers. You sleep under it. The covers can be changed every couple of weeks (if you like laundry), every couple of months (if you like dreaming in a pile of your own sweat and skin cells), or never (if you're a student living in what can only be described as a skanky pit and it's a duvet that used to belong to a sexually promiscuous male housemate who moved out and now you lend to friends who sleep over.)

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