Friday, 30 January 2015

Day 527: Spongebob Square

Don't get me wrong, Spongebob Squarepants is probably weird in all languages. Here's the English version if you haven''t heard it (where have you BEEN?)

But there's just something ridiculously hilarious about Svampbob Fyrkant, as he's known in Swedish. I think it's just something about how fucking LITERAL the name is, I just don't know. Hey kids, this is a show about a FOUR-CORNERED SQUARE that is also a SPONGE! (Or possibly a mushroom or a scourer depending on how your translate svamp....context is important, kids!) Also, somehow it's more surreal maybe, that it is in fact Bob who is square, and not his pants. Mind. Blown.

Är ni med, barn? / Are ya ready kids?
Aj aj, kapten! / Ay Ay Captain!
Jag hör er inte! / I don't hear you!
Aj aj, kapten! / Ay Ay Captain!
Åååååååååååååh.. / Ooooooooooh
Vem bor i en ananas djupt i det blå? / Who lives in a pineaple deep in the blue?
Svampbob Fyrkant! / Sponge Bob Square
Gul och porös, absorberar som få! / Yellow and porous, absorbs what he gets
Svampbob Fyrkant! / Sponge Bob Square
Jag varnar dig kompis, visst finns det en risk! / I'm warning you friend, of course there's a risk
Svampbob Fyrkant! / Sponge Bob Square
Bob får dig att gapa precis som en fisk! / Bob makes you gape just like a fish!
Svampbob Fyrkant! / Sponge Bob Square
Redo? / Ready
Svampbob Fyrkant! / Sponge Bob Square

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