Friday 15 January 2021

Day 2734 - Post Brexit Post

I travelled from the UK to Sweden on the 4th January, having turned off roaming on my Swedish SIM at the stroke of midnight of the New Year like some kind of digital Cinderella who didn't want to pay excessive charges to her telephone fairy godmother. 

The truth is so many small kinks in the fabric of British/Swedish life have yet to be ironed out that it is anybody's guess what will happen with phone charges. The latest new feature of the post-Brexit life is the slowness of post between two countries, a post system that used to be so breathtakingly efficient that sometimes I would recieve post within 24 hours of somebody sending it with normal postage prices. Now post sits for a week at the least in a customs depot somewhere. 

Brexit effects have not been cataclysmic so far...can I expect a death by a thousand cuts type scenario where myriad bureaucratic processes become slower and red-tape-ier in turn, or should I be lulled into a sense of security? 


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